Worship Center: 201 44th St. South   Parish Offices: 201 44th St. South
Holy Family Chapel: 2800 Central Ave.
Pastor: Rev. Richard Schlosser
Phone: 452-6491  Fax: 452-6495



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Registration Forms:  Confirmation with First Eucharist        Confirmation Only

Information on Documents Needed for Confirmation with First Eucharist

Information on Documents Needed for Confirmation Only


Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist

 Baptism is the ancient ritual by which a person is initiated into the community of believers, the body of Christ. It is the first and most serious moment of commitment for a new Christian.
For adults, baptism demands full preparation and understanding of the faith and life being accepted.  The formation process for Baptism in Holy Spirit Parish is designed to help you grow in your understanding of the Sacraments of Initiation. Adults participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation or RCIA process. (see below)
Baptism for infants is celebrated at Holy Spirit Parish regular weekend liturgies after parents attend two preparation sessions which are scheduled three times each year.  Call the parish office for more information.

Confirmation is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit.  The Bishop or his appointed delegate confirms our Baptism through anointing in which we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.  For this reason Confirmation follows Baptism and precedes Eucharist which is the order used throughout most of church history.  In the Diocese of Great Falls\Billings Confirmation along with First Eucharist is celebrated at the age of reason, which is about 7 years. Parents need to supply a copy of the child's Baptism certificate. Preparation for Confirmation is done at regular monthly sessions along with First Eucharist and First Reconciliation.  Contact the parish office for more information.

 Eucharist is receiving the body and blood of Jesus into our own lives and hearts and is the full sharing of Jesus' life love and grace. The primary responsibility for preparation belongs with the parents of each child. The process of formation for First Eucharist consists of monthly sessions for both parent and child.  Children preparing for the sacrament should have reached the age of reason, usually around age 7.  Parents need to supply a copy of the child's Baptism certificate.  Contact the parish office for more information.

 Christian Initiation (RCIA) Those who have reached the age of reason who are unbaptized (catechumens) or are baptized in another faith (candidates) and who wish to become Catholic participate in the RCIA process. Sessions are offered year round and offer the opportunity for exploring the Catholic faith by focusing on Sacraments, Creed, Commandments, the Lord's Prayer and Catholic Tradition. We will also share the message of the scriptures, and pray together. Children over the age of reason (about 7 years) who are not baptized or baptized in another faith meet in a similar process adapted for children.  Contact the parish office for information. 

Sacraments of Healing

Preparation for the sacrament of Reconciliation is offered in the fall each year for those celebrating the sacrament for the first time. Opportunities to celebrate the sacrament communally are offered three times a year. Individual reception of the sacrament is available and encouraged year round before the Saturday 4:30pm Mass or by appointment.  Contact the parish office for information.

The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick expresses the concern which Jesus himself showed for the bodily and spiritual welfare of the sick. The celebration consists of the laying on of hands by the priests, their offering the prayer of faith and the anointing of the sick with holy oil. Any one who is danger of death from sickness or age, suffering from a chronic debilitating disease, or before surgery may receive the sacrament.  Communal celebrations are scheduled twice a year, during the spring and fall.

Sacraments of Commitment

 Christian Marriage

The love of the married couple is an enduring covenant, which is a reflection and sign of God's own new covenant with us. The couple is a living sign of the fullness of love in God. The Holy Spirit Community asks that couples seeking marriage in the church contact the parish at least 6 months before the anticipated date of their wedding so that full and adequate preparation, planning and completion of necessary paperwork can be accomplished. Couples will complete a FOCUS questionnaire and participate in sessions with a marriage preparation couple or are asked to take part in an Engaged Encounter weekend. Weddings are not scheduled during Lent. 

Holy Orders (Ordination)

Through the sacrament of Holy Orders priests share in the universal dimensions of the mission that Christ entrusted to the apostles. The spiritual gift they have received in ordination prepares them, not for a limited and restricted mission, "but for the fullest, in fact the universal mission of salvation 'to the end of the earth, "prepared in spirit to preach the Gospel everywhere”  (Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraph #1565) For Information contact your Pastor or Vocation Director, Rev. Dale Yurkovic, St. Mary Church, PO Box 646, Livingston, MT 59457-0646, (406) 222-1393,

e-mail: ddaled@mcn.net 

Holy Spirit Parish also has ministers who visit and bring communion to the sick and shut-ins at home. Please call the parish office if someone you know would like to receive the sacrament of Anointing or communion at home.